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A short overview of my most important (long-term) projects, in which I could successfully act as an educational consultant and thus successfully help companies.

Rollout CRM and ERP

Educational Consultant

Rollout support / Upgrade to Oracle Siebel CRM and SAP IS-U solution.

Educational process analysis, optimisation, documentation and training.


Industry: Energy


Europe-wide rollout and training


German, English

Rollout CRM and CPQ

Educational Consultant

Rollout support / Upgrade to Oracle CX and custom CPQ solution.

Educational process analysis, optimization, documentation and training.


Industry: Healthcare


World-wide rollout and training,
face to face and virtual


English, German, Portuguese

Rollout ERP

Educational Consultant

Near shoring, outsourcing of financial accounting processes using SAP SSF.

Educational process analysis, optimisation, documentation and training.


Transition to SAP S/4HANA, operative implementation. Operating concept, support, Test management, introduction SAP ChaRM processes


Industry: Energy


English, German

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